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Monthly Archives: July 2024

10 Dashboard Lights You Should Never Ignore

10 Dashboard Lights You Should Never Ignore

Your vehicle's dashboard is like its nervous system, constantly monitoring and communicating vital information to you. One of the most critical aspects of this communication is through dashboard warning lights. Ignoring these lights can lead to costly repairs or even dangerous situations on the road. In this guide, we'll highlight ten dashboard lights that should never be ignored, along with symptoms to watch out for and the services your vehicle may need from The Auto Shop. 1. Check Engine Light (CEL): The check engine light (CEL) is perhaps the most notorious dashboard warning light. It indicates an issue with your vehicle's engine or emissions system. Symptoms may include rough idling, poor acceleration, or decreased fuel efficiency. You might also notice unusual smells or sounds coming from the engine. Ignoring the CEL can lead to more severe problems and potentially costly repairs down the line. When the CEL illuminates, it's crucial to schedule a diagnostic sca ... read more



The Ultimate Showdown: Air Conditioner vs. Windows Down – Which Consumes More Fuel?

The Ultimate Showdown: Air Conditioner vs. Windows Down – Which Consumes More Fuel?

Photo by Avi Richards On Unsplash The Ultimate Showdown: Air Conditioner vs. Windows Down – Which Consumes More Fuel? When it comes to maximizing your vehicle's fuel efficiency, we understand the dilemmas our Jefferson City drivers face: Should they turn on the air conditioner or roll down the windows? Each choice has its pros and cons, and the impact on fuel consumption is more nuanced than one might expect. This blog is here to provide practical advice tailored to our Jefferson City community, delving into how each option affects your car's fuel efficiency. The Science Behind Air Conditioning Running the air conditioner in your car requires energy. This energy comes from the engine, which means more fuel is consumed. The air conditioning system works by compressing a refrige ... read more

