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Monthly Archives: July 2022

Zen and The Art of Driving For Your Kids

Zen and The Art of Driving For Your Kids

Zen and The Art of Driving For Your Kids Photo by Element5 on Unsplash School’s almost in session, Mid-Mo! We’ve got a few months of adjusting to new schedules, figuring out what’s missing from our school supply list, and early AM drives with kids who’ve been used to sleeping past noon. That morning commute to school can be difficult for you and your children, but we’ve got some tips on combining zen and the art of driving. With some preparation and a good attitude, you can make driving your kids to school an enjoyable experience. With a little bit of preparation and a good attitude, you can make driving your kids to school an enjoyable experience. When possible, choose the safest route for your child's school. If an alternate route is shorter or safer than the one suggested by Google Maps or your phone, use it! Also, remember to plan for constr ... read more

