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Self-Driving Vehicles Are The Future, and Here’s Why

Photo byAustin Ramsey onUnsplash


It’s doubtful that the good old American driving experience will ever go out of fashion. There’s just something different about being the driver of your car. However, self-driving is also not a bad option, and as we are about to see, it’s a pretty popular one!


Why are self-driving cars so appealing?

Accidents due to driving distractions have been skyrocketing in recent years. The average attention span of drivers is shrinking every couple of years, and we are getting more and more dependent on specific technologies to do our job for us. Why should self-driving be any different?


After all, if you are, let’s say, an ADHD-diagnosed person, wouldn’t self-driving be helpful in your case? Allowing artificial intelligence to drive our vehicles instead of us is a matter of laziness and security. Although the technology isn’t perfect, it’s a refining process that will likely lead to a significant advantage over human driving-- particularly when AI cars begin to drive side-by-side and manage safe driving from the same rulebook. 


Does that mean that “independent” driving will disappear in the coming years? We think not. Instead, it’s going to become a choice rather than an established tradition. Plus, you have to keep in mind that we are still far away from fully automated cars, so the chances are that you’ll be pretty old when AI and robots start driving our cars for us! 


Of course, there are other factors at play. Self-driving cars will also bring new heights to the car-making companies, allowing them to hit revenue goals never thought possible before in the industry. On the bright side, however, self-driving vehicles will also probably decrease the unnecessary costs that we are paying nowadays.


For example, if you need some maintenance specialist to come to your house, but they are far away, self-driving cars will decrease transportation costs and allow more fair pricing. Big car companies will not be the only beneficiaries of this new world.


What do you personally think? Are self-driving cars here to stay, or are they just an industry bump that’ll soon disappear into oblivion? Would you personally buy a self-driving car? We’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter!

Look, we shouldn’t worry about automation just yet. The world is a vast place, and self-driving cars can still not be produced at scale, so how about we help you out with the existing vehicles first?! Before you start the engine, we invite you to make a reservation with The Auto Shop team for a complete safety inspection. The Auto Shop is located at 612 Missouri Boulevard Court, Jefferson City, MO, 65109, and our business hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. For payments, we accept cash, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, and Discover. And don’t forget to Like us on Facebook! We look forward to seeing you soon!

